Mathematics entered with giant steps the information security and now in Cyber Security through encryption. Julius Caesar, in addition to obfuscation techniques sometimes funny, used also a rudimentary technique of encryption but which was revolutionary for the time: The substitution with a key which consisted in substituting in a word each letter by that which is in the third position later in the alphabet. Thus, A is replaced by C, C is replaced by E and so on in a circular fashion. When we come to the end, we come back. This is nothing other than what in mathematics is called an arithmetic sequence.
More generally and even today, encryption algorithms are mathematical functions in which the functions are the encrypted information, the variables are the clear information and at least one of the constants is the encryption key. So the more the constant which bridges the function and the variable is difficult to guess, the more the function is difficult to solve and its progression is difficult to predict.
I see you coming. No, unethical hackers won’t suddenly go into deep math to try to solve math functions to break ciphers. More or less powerful computers take care of it. Fortunately, computers don’t just do that, they also create functions complicated to solve without knowing the key constant.
In this tug-of-war between those who reinforce functions and those who try to solve them with bad intentions, the solution would perhaps be an instant constant that is not the same at times T and T+1. Such constant should be distinguished from a variable that would change continuously.