The 21st Century is Information or it is Not: Information in the 21st Century and the New Context of Information Security
Information has always been at the center of relationships between individuals, and between social groups (nations, citizens, residents, ethnic groups, social or professional categories, etc.), but its importance is much more visible since it has been made available for more people thanks to more sophisticated means of dissemination such as new technologies. Elections in the USA for several years have shown the power of information to the world. The war between Russia and Ukraine, the management of Covid 19 by countries are all examples that efficient management of crisis requires efficient management of information.
What is valuable information? Is it a correct information, verifiable and in accordance with the criteria tacit or agreed between the sender and the receiver of the information? It would be simple to think so and it would be in accordance with morality and legality. But things are less simple.
We researchers benefit from integrating a prospective dimension into the scope of our research, whatever the field.
We realized that even false information had an impact and the impact is not always proportional to the accuracy of the information. Which leads us to ask ourselves if valuable information is not information capable of altering the course of events regardless of its accuracy? Let’s think about it. The information adventure and the transformation of our view of information have only just begun. Principles believed to be immutable for centuries may be modified. These changes will give rise to another security attribute which would be a fusion of integrity and confidentiality so that the compromise «modification» followed by the compromise « disclosure» of information would cause an impact different from the impact of each of the compromises without necessarily be the sum. Indeed, true information modified to be false and then disclosed would have an impact different from the impact of the simple modification and also different from the impact of the disclosure of the true information. This phenomenon should now be considered and supported by a new security attribute.